information regarding WATER, WASTEWATER & Stormwater RATE CHANGEs effective on or about june 1, 2025

There will be a public hearing regarding proposed increases to the District's drinking water, wastewater and stormwater rates on March 17, 2025 at 6:00 PM at GAUD Headquarters: 22 Arsenal Street, Augusta. These rates will be considered and voted upon at the Board's April 28, 2025 meeting. If approved by the Board at its April 28 meeting, the changes will take effect on or about June 1, 2025. While we take pride in keeping costs and rates stable, rising operating costs have made these increases essential to continue providing safe and reliable drinking water supplies, and effective wastewater collection and treatment, as detailed below.

Drinking Water & Fire Protection

The minimum monthly increase is $0.63. The typical customer will pay approximately $1.16 more per month. The increase applies to all customer classes, including public and private fire protection and private hydrants, and will generate additional revenue of approximately $199,679, which will help fund the following important work:

  • Replace aging pumps, pipes and equipment
  • Improve aging computer systems needed to operate the utility
  • Increase operational resiliency by adding critical personnel
  • Address the rising costs of supplies and energy

Public notice

Bill insert

MPUC filing


The minimum monthly increase is $0.60. The typical residential customer will pay approximately $1.68 more per month. The increase will generate additional revenue of approximately $168,991, which will help fund the following important work:

  • Increased sludge disposal costs
  • Replace old pump stations
  • Replace aging wastewater plant equipment
  • Address increasing power and supply costs
  • Replace and reline failing pipes
  • Increase operational resiliency

Public notice

Bill insert


The minimum monthly increase is $0.40. The typical residential customer will pay approximately $0.40 more per month. The increase will generate additional revenue of approximately $130,159, which will help fund the following important work:

  • Stormwater pipe improvements 
  • Minimize the amount of sewage overflow into the Kennebec during extreme weather events
  • Eliminating stormwater from combined sewers to reduce the amount of pollutants in wet weather events

Public notice

Bill insert

If you have any questions or want more information, contact Brian Tarbuck, General Manager, at (207) 622-3701, or email

The table below shows notable dates assuming rates are approved for adjustment in April.

Rate adjustment

June 1, 2025

Start of new rates

June 18, 2025

Customers receive bill for new rates

August 8, 2025

Payment due on new rates

September 3, 2025

The rates proposed below will go into effect on or about June 1, 2025 if approved by the Board.  

Proposed wastewater fees Effective 6/1/2025
Wastewater Service Charge (Cost/Quarter) $57.84
Wastewater Service Charge (Cost/Month) $19.28
Wastewater User Charge, per 100 cubic feet $6.99
Wastewater Unmetered Customers (Cost/Quarter) $183.54
Proposed stormwater fees Effective 6/1/2025
Stormwater, Catch Basins (Cost/Month) $41.89
Stormwater, ERU (Equivalent Rate Unit), Cost per Unit per Month $12.96



Pursuant to 35-A MRS Section 6104, a customer has the right to request additional information relating to the present and proposed drinking water rates from the District, the right to an open and fair hearing, and the right to assistance from the Public Advocate.

We will post a copy of the drinking water rate filing submitted to the Public Utilities Commission once it has been submitted.

Customers also have the right to petition the Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to suspend and investigate the District’s drinking water rates pursuant to 35-A MRS Section 310, if, on or before thirty (30) days following the public hearing, 15% of the District’s customers (5,631 customers x 15% = 845 customers), file with the District’s General Manager and with the PUC, c/o Administrative Director, 18 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0018, a petition or petitions demanding review by the PUC of the proposed rate changes. Signatures on the petitions filed pursuant to Section 7 are invalid unless accompanied by the printed names and addresses of the signers. Upon request, the District will provide drinking water customers with petition forms that include space for the signatures, printed names and addresses of the signers.