Our Current Rates

Following are our current rates for drinking water (regular and seasonal), wastewater and stormwater, as well as fire protection charges.


Effective June 1, 2024

Accounts Billed Monthly: For all usage in excess of 100 cubic feet per month: $4.15 per 100 cubic feet (100 cubic feet = 748.1 gallons) or about $0.005 per gallon.

Minimum Charges:

Size of Meter Minimum Charge / Month Water Allowance / Month (Cubic Ft.)
5/8" $19.60 100
3/4" $22.80 100
1" $26.03 100
1 1/2" $38.05 100
2" $48.48 100
3" $62.11 100
4" $88.60 100
6" $147.16 100
8" $252.24 100



Effective June 1, 2024

Municipal Fire Protection: Charge per year for fire hydrants installed as of June 1, 2024.

Community Number of Hydrants Annual Charges
Augusta 461.5 $1,305,648.11
Manchester 24 $67,899.36
Winthrop 13 $36,778.82
Chelsea 1 $2,829.14
Vassalboro 0.5 $1,414.57
Hallowell 5 $14,145.70
Total 505  
Annual cost per hydrant   $2,829.14


Other Fire Protection Charges:
Charge per year for fire service connections to water mains.

Size of Connection Annual Charge
1" $438.49
1 1/2" $657.83
2" $876.79
3" $1,315.47
4" $1,753.96
6" $2,630.75
8" $3,507.73
10" $4,384.71
12" $5,261.69


Effective June 1, 2024

Name Price
Wastewater Service Charge (Cost/Quarter) $56.04
Wastewater Service Charge (Cost/Month) $18.68
Wastewater User Charge, per 100 cubic feet $6.77
Wastewater Unmetered Customers (Cost/Quarter)   $177.83

Wastewater Permit Fees:

  • Residential, $75
  • Commercial, $100
  • Industrial, $100

Wastewater Availability Fee (charged to new customers):
$10.00 per gallon per day or:

Name Price
Residential Housing $1,000 flat fee
Office Building 15 gal/day/employee X $10/gallon
Apartments $750/unit
Retail Space 3/4 gal/100 sq. ft X $10/gallon

Inspection Fees: If Owner's Contractor performs all work on street Property, $50/hour for projects, $1.00/lineal foot of pipe, $50 x total number of catch basins or manholes.


Effective July 1, 2019

Name Price
Stormwater, Catch Basins (Cost/Month) $40.59
Stormwater, ERU (Equivalent Rate Unit), Cost per Unit per Month $12.56
1 Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) =
2,700 square feet of impervious surface area 
Residential 1.00 ERU
Multi-Family 0.50 ERU x number of units
Mobile Homes 0.50 ERU
Condos 0.75 ERU
Commercial 1.00 ERU per 2,700 sq. feet impervious area, min 1.0 ERU
Commercial w/ Storage Detention 0.75 ERU per 2,700 sq. feet impervious area