2016 Capital Improvement Projects
Construction season is underway, and we’re busy this summer all over the District repairing water mains, valves and wastewater/stormwater systems. Several projects were originally scheduled for 2015, but had to be delayed. All are subject to our rigorous cost-benefit analysis. Below are just the most extensive (and expensive) projects among the dozens planned for 2016. Click here to visit the Daily Work Schedule for updates on our construction work during the summer.
Alderwood Road Mains, Augusta (1,450’): This project will provide redundancy to a critically vulnerable portion of the water distribution system near the Turnpike Mall. Boucher Avenue Mains, Augusta (200’): This section has failed multiple times and needs to be replaced.
Old Winthrop Road Main, Manchester (1,200’+ services): Complex, multi-year project to install a redundant main from Augusta to Manchester. The existing 24” water pipe, from 1905, runs cross country through back yards and swamps.
Trans-Kennebec Pipeline Improvements: To take full advantage of the new Riverside Drive wells east of the Kennebec, we need to replace old valves and improve metering to enable water to flow from east to west.
Ward Street Mains, Augusta (410’): This main has a high-leak history. Deferred from 2015, the project is now urgent.
Bond Brook Road, Augusta (Adjust nine manholes + replace 200’ of wastewater pipe): This is required due to repaving of the road.
Eastern Avenue, Augusta (Reline old mains and services): This area has required many repairs and there has been at least one customer sewer back-up.
Northern Avenue, Augusta (Lower and raise 23 manholes and 31 catch basins): This is required due to repaving of the road.
Patterson/Kittredge Streets from Pearl Street to South Belfast Avenue, Augusta (1,300’ of mains + combined sewer separation): This is part of a six-year CSO mitigation plan to reduce the flow of untreated sewage into the Kennebec during heavy rains. We are coordinating with the City’s Hannaford TIFfunded work on the east side to reduce costs.
Seven-yard Dump Truck: Replace an old dump truck no longer worth repairing.
Building Repairs at 12 Williams Street: Repair a leaky roof and replace the failed air conditioning system, possibly with more cost-efficient heat pumps.