
We're on Board to Serve You!

Your Trustees have been working hard since late last year to develop a work plan and priorities for 2016 and are pleased to share them with you:

Major Capital Improvements Projects throughout the District repairing water mains, valves and wastewater/stormwater systems in 2016.

Stormwater Rationalization—We’ve formed a working committee to study our complicated stormwater issues— from collection and treatment, to equitably billing for it.

Charter Review—A committee of Trustees will review the charter that established the Greater Augusta Utility District in 2007, and report back to the Board on any updating needed.

Management—We make sure that District management and staff have the skill and training to operate in a safe, effective and efficient manner. We also provide financial oversight of District operations. 

External Communications—Over the past 18 months, we’ve communicated more transparently and frequently about the inner workings of your utility through

  • a new customer-friendly web site;
  • regular informational billing stuffers; and
  • the Currents newsletter you are now reading.

Most of our monthly Trustee meetings, which have long been open to the public, are now broadcast live on CTV-7. A schedule and link to past televised Trustee meetings can be found at

All nine of us on the Board take our commitment to serve you seriously. We thank you for your support, and welcome your feedback—email me at

-Ken Knight, Chair, Board of Trustees